As we contemplate new ways to better serve you, independent journalists face so many challenges.
👉But here's one I'd like to ask you about today: What does "inclusive" media mean to you, and do we need to think differently about what is truly inclusive?
👉But here's one I'd like to ask you about today: What does "inclusive" media mean to you, and do we need to think differently about what is truly inclusive?
Inclusive means to stop maligning those of us who can do the math and see that the greedy are killing our country.
It’s ok to call out lies if you have the facts.
I like to understand a person’s point of view when they write. Every storyteller writes from their perspective and experience. Give me facts and help me understand them.
Think H L Mencken. How would he have covered the last election?
My two cents.
Morning Blow
Analysis is welcome, but must be based on research and not beliefs.
news service.
I trust you and America will, too.
If a live interview interjects any degree of speculation, non-factual information, or simply a complete lie....
their mic should be cut, and their comments not reported.
The DOJ has not enforced the laws.
Your news service must enforce the facts.
anything. Inclusive must mean a new journalistic standard that does not give equal time to demagoguery. Fairness died when Trump was elected. Objectivity is one of the reasons he won. He was never just another candidate.
Common sense has left the bldg & stupid, all-encompassing definitions define us.
Bullshit remains bullshit. Matters not if you're blue or red. Do you care that democracy survives? Fuck the rest of it.
These include the “30,000 ft” view of exponentiating climate change. I see too many interviews 1/
However, few people express interest in understanding what is happening & what will happen, “faster than previously expected”. No MSM article/TV coverage is willing to tell what climate scientists, 2/
Articles, documentaries, even journal papers, must include a, “but if we do (x,y & z)” right now, we can—reverse, stop, mitigate—a catastrophe. Money is made in promoting solutions that 3/
Another area is the rise of antibiotic resistant bacteria #AMR and the rise of #superbugs. Many viral diseases 4/
The looming threat of H5N1 and other transmissible diseases—non-human animals to humans, between humans, humans to non-humans—creates 5/
Along with increasing incursions into wildlife habitats, biodiversity loss, exposure of livestock to both human & sylvatic transmissible pathogens, an increase over expected frequency of #zoonotic spillovers is 6/
Climate change is real
Trump is a oligarch not a man of the people or working class no matter how many costumes he puts on
They want better health but voted for the man who eats McDonalds
These are not congruent thoughts
Also knowing the credibility of sources is always important imho.
To solve my frustration, I’d have to reread the definitions of both inclusive and media, and then decide how it’s applicable to politics and policies.
Where does this question come from? A brainstorming session?
It's unnecessary.
We need media to cover the most immediate & impactful issues accurately. Whatever they are.
4th Estate, Free Press: