I taught incarcerated firefighters who worked for criminally low wages. It's considered the best job in the prison, because you get to go out, do something valuable, and eat real food. It's also wildly dangerous, and they are given the worst jobs...literally pulling remains out of charred homes.
Reposted from
Teen Vogue
These teenagers and young men — 95% of whom are Black, Latinx, or Filipino — earn between $2.20 and $4 per hour, plus an additional $1 an hour when they’re actively fighting fires, according to the DJJ. ⤵️
And on top of it, im assuming they dont end up as part of the IAFF union, and aren't elgible for a number of things "Career firefighters" get like the "heart and lung act"
I hate everything about this. 🙃
Ain't 'Murica great?
Some of the hardest working people I've ever met.
Unfortunately that wildfire training became a lot more useful in my media career than I expected.
It's fucking DESPICABLE.
Makes zero sense. Money is why. As always.
Conveniently ignoring that CA requires FF's to ALSO be EMT's.
And guess who CANT do THAT job?
Uh huh. Felons.
Our incoming fool is a 34x felon.
But THAT'S COOL somehow.
For fucks sake.
Autocorrect doing me wrong lately!!
This is horrible!!
> Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, **except as a punishment for crime** whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Last I looked, no felons could.
There are still barriers, after their service 😔
This is America, after all.
It's about money.
And them for theirs. 🙌🏼
Kamala would've reformed the prisons and police system 🥺
Respect it or get rekt