MAGA policy lie and deny. I want every democratically elected republican in congress and senate to stand up and tell America why they continue to support this regime. Scared of being primaried-won't matter you are becoming irrelevant anyway. Stand with the Constitution or resign. Simple.
Non Americans are finding it harder to keep from lumping non trump supporters in with trump supporters. America is turning on allies left and right , American is ripping up trade agreements they made. America thus Americans are responsible.
Only in our case, economy is tanking, gov’t services are in chaos, unemployment rising and internationally we have no allies because of our policies or tariffs.
An important difference is that the person in 1930s Germany did not know how this would end. Very different now … assuming they attended some history class 😬
My uncle was a member of the 9th Army, 102nd (Ozark) Infantry Division, 406th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Battalion, K Company. In April of 1945, he, and members of the Ozark Division came upon a giant brick barn near Gardelegen, Germany. The barn was still smoldering.
There were, nearby concentration camps where some 1000 prisoners had been taken to the site of the barn and forced inside. The hay in the barn had been doused with gasoline and lit up. This statement comes from a American Colonel to the townspeople of Gardelegen.
“The German people have been told that stories of German atrocities were Allied propaganda. Here, you can see for yourself. Some will say that the Nazis were responsible for this crime. Others will point to the Gestapo. View this term in the glossary. The responsibility rests with neither—
it is the responsibility of the German people....Your so-called Master Race has demonstrated that it is master only of crime, cruelty and sadism. You have lost the respect of the civilized world”.
The American People are now the last line of defense left to deal with Trump. If America does not stand up now it’s “We the People” who will have lost the respect of the civilized world.
You are 100% correct. My Hungarian Uncle was sent to Dachau in 1938 for being Communist, released after a year became a partisan, we know what happened to the 600,000 Hungarians in 1944. You seem to know history. We are close to this. My 38 yo daughter asked. Me last week when do we leave?
Only Trump is also bad for the economy and Elon has airplanes falling out of the sky and fired the Ebola people. Elon and Donald are all of the downside and none of upside of the dude they’re trying to emulate
He's violating the constitution and Republicans are fine with that. I might add they are fine letting an unelected person do the job they got elected to do.
Because he murdered 6,000,000 Jews and stole everything they had including those lives. There is no equivalence for H. Except DT would murder the Spanish speaking population of he could and if all the guardrails fail ( which they will) he will start murdering. He’s that sick.
I love the interviews given to people who voted for FOTUS but are very unhappy with what he's doing this far, followed by "I wouldn't have changed my vote". The mental gymnastics these people must go through on a daily basis to justify the lies and corruption is stupefying.
It is my contention that Trump voters were, in fact, not suffering economically - certainly not to the extent of the German people post WWI.
Rather, they were convinced that the country was in shambles, and that they were "barely hanging on financially," by FOX News and the far-right media.
Without any evidence to prove it; FOX gave viewers a steady diet of words & images intended to give viewers the impression that the country was an enormous dumpster fire... and that THEY were all burning.
This went hand-in-hand with the messaging from Conservative politicians, Conservative "think-tanks," and Conservative Christian pastors (and even some Catholic priests).
NONE of it was true...
But it was repeated so often, with such urgency, that most viewers believed it.
The "Conservatives" behind this messaging knew that they couldn't achieve maximum political domination on the backs of the Newt Gingrich-es, Bob Doles, Rand Pauls, Mike Lees, and Sarah Palins of the world. They toed to Tea Party line... but had no mass appeal.
Conservatives (real conservatives) hated him. He was a lifelong New York Democrat, a loud-mouthed schmuck who was the epitome of the kind of excesses that was the antithesis of Conservatism.
What were MAGA Americans hurting from?
They weren't paying a wheelbarrow full of cash for a mere postage stamp.
NOTHING about the state of the American Economy, or the living conditions of working-class Americans is analogous to pre-WWII Germany.
Hitler came to power under super inflation and complete economic collapse after a war that had destroyed half of Europe. I've way more sympathy for Germans in early 30s than I have for Americans 2024 voting for an insane Fascist with the economy basically flying.
Even before the election! Our local news was interviewing people and it was all “ I really need gas to be under $4 per gallon or I want my eggs under $3 per dozen”
What privilege that your biggest concerns are the price of gas and eggs. Selfish!
And yet gas is back over $5 a gallon and eggs are practically impossible to find and when you do find them they're $8 a fucking dozen
How great. Again.
imagine living in nazi USA, which is right now, and people think posting is doing any real actions...just posting...while we are in a dictatorship....maybe get off your ass instead...
Trump declared tradewar on everyone at the same time. China, Mexico, Canada and the entire EU retaliates from tomorrow 4th of March. They will destroy American economy. Even if Trump removes tariffs on EU the Europeans will still boycott American products. America stapped Europe and they will answer
Learn from history or keep repeating it like a hamster 🐹 in a wheel.
Otto and his wife, and their daughters Anne and Margot, were able to move to Amsterdam around 1934, though they weren’t able to escape Europe.
The US has problems with cult like mentalities.
Just watch.
Germany was hurting from WW1 and he promised to Make Germany Great Again and restore National Pride
He told ppl what they wanted to hear & controlled the media to hide the Truth
Rather, they were convinced that the country was in shambles, and that they were "barely hanging on financially," by FOX News and the far-right media.
NONE of it was true...
But it was repeated so often, with such urgency, that most viewers believed it.
Enter Donald Trump
Our Conservatives have tried to Blame Trudeau for global inflation and interest rates 😮
They weren't paying a wheelbarrow full of cash for a mere postage stamp.
NOTHING about the state of the American Economy, or the living conditions of working-class Americans is analogous to pre-WWII Germany.
The connection was the lies of populist leaders, who gaslight followers and prevent their true agenda from being revealed.
If you voted for Shitler in 2024, you are a Nazi and a traitor to the country.
What privilege that your biggest concerns are the price of gas and eggs. Selfish!
How great. Again.