Reagan started it, they are going to finish us. We need a real and loud opposition that can fight back on equal footing. I don't have the answer, but I know it's now or never.
To produce federally subsidised corn for animal feed for export to the Amazon and East Asia, and a tsunami of inedible byproducts sold to the poor as additives for ultra-processed and super-camouflaged excuses for food that boosts obesity and so-called lifestyle diseases.
What can we do to prevent this? Have older farms apply for heritage status? Surround the farms and physically defend our stolen land? We should have stepped up for the immigrants but hopefully now the real enemy is known. Farm unions take collections to keep farms running or at least original owned?
So we let ourselves starve or go through dust bowl 2.0 without competent leadership or allies interested in diverting their resources to the ingrates in charge? Letting ourselves starve or fall to 1 of 3 food supply pandemics going on just to say I told you so isn't the play for me. I get it though.
Who didn’t see that coming? Doug Douche did it in AZ, and the Saudis grabbed up all of our water. Hobbs has cut some of this, but for republicans it’s only about money-not country or state. Elections matter. When will Americans get this???
In the US aren't those institutions in large part already private? Basic public education perhaps being the exception, medicare has its limitations, and I thought prisons were private? What they're getting rid of are the social nets helping people pay for these. To me it looks like a selective purge
I think you got had. If these are not private, you're gov is seriously gouging you. Nobody goes bankrupt or without lifesaving care in places where healthcare is not privately owned. Higher education is not a life sentence of student debt, and prisons are not run as if they are benefitting owners.
Who is going to live in these new cities once they’ve decimated the economy and destroyed the population? Or perhaps Elmo is on a 1-person mission to create as many offspring as he can to populate them 🤷🏻♀️
similar with a former metals trader in the UK. Not content with his MP salary, he's ruined this country so that the spot price of gold rises against the £.
So they crash Small AG give the hardworking American owned land to Oligarchs who abuse Poor around the planet. These Farmers are Americans that form the backbone of OUR countries food security and their Communities.
Yes definitely look who the other investors are. Vance doesn’t have to brains or all the money to develop the app. He probably has an interest because he did the legal work.
Is that a real thing, or one of his made up things?
If we ever get our first ever female Democratic POTUS, I want those farmlands restored.
And outright theft