The world is facing a global land squeeze as food, feed, fiber and fuel demand rises. How to manage it? π§ͺ
- PRODUCE more food and fiber sustainably on existing working lands
- PROTECT remaining natural ecosystems
- REDUCE waste and growth in demand for land-intensive goods
- RESTORE degraded lands
- PRODUCE more food and fiber sustainably on existing working lands
- PROTECT remaining natural ecosystems
- REDUCE waste and growth in demand for land-intensive goods
- RESTORE degraded lands
put BIG taxes on 2nd homes, large cars, all cars , private jets, all air travel ?
- DEINDUSTRIALISE food production
- STOP the corporate capitlisation of food production
i was really happy to hear Greenpeace success in NL regarding the recent overproduction of animals resulting in terrible pollution of waterways
Promote more organic production which needs more land, or more intensive conventional to safe Land for Renaturation ?