And then welcome to the world of AI. An entirely new species is here. The old rules won’t have time to work. We need to reimagine and evolve quickly or be crushed
Agree. There are many ideas within lefty groups that are quite antiquated when you realize the tech cycle is about 2-3 years now. I think the Dems are still running campaigns from 2008. The Rs ran a psyop campaign that had nothing to do with government…only emotions.
"And liberty is only truly possible when basic needs are met."
True. People tend to sacrifice their long-term interest to solve immediate "survival" issues. You can tell people all you want about climate change or democracy, if they cannot put food on the table for their families.
Hi, I’m Collins. I’m starting a 4 year project to track certain metrics we tend to use as indicators of being a successful country. These are not all inclusive and don’t reflect my values. It’s just the few data points I could easily find from consistent sources. Any feedback is welcome
I'm your man. The very things I need. Want to takeover my effort :). Take a look at trying to solve a 2,000 year old problem, at shingla .wordpress .com Where did you find these words.
I was listening to an interview with Anthony Scaramucci this morning. ( I think I might have slithered back to twit for a minute.) There will be a push back in time, with disaffected republicans and Dems getting together. Could be a wild ride.
someone earlier told me that all republicans will just go along with him after i stated if a policy affects their constituents the wrong way they will have a problem with it, they are worried about their political careers why would they screw the people that badly
I suppose it will it's really a wait and see, what policies he's going to pursue. If he does go through with them, I think Scaramucci was talking about The bases of the 2 parties, who hold the true values & are horrified at how far the Republicans have gone against them. Time will tell.
"One" must be replaced with "We"
Especially with BernieAnon types who think that kvetching about 2016, EIGHT YEARS ON, is a viable political strategy.
NZ has had universal healthcare since 1938.
And before you think NZ is a 'socialist' country, NZ has more free trade agreements than most; more human freedom.
But it is interesting to know.
We here in NZ know we can do far better.
Poverty is mostly a consequence of political choices.
And liberty is only truly possible when basic needs are met.
True. People tend to sacrifice their long-term interest to solve immediate "survival" issues. You can tell people all you want about climate change or democracy, if they cannot put food on the table for their families.
can you wash the dishes after other people did their important discussion? can you leave the room when you're asked?
The economy effectively collapsed.