she'd stare into it for a few minutes.. just to make SURE that there was nothing in it, creep up to it, then close the door. Frankie is a paranoid individual lmao
Jasper (werewolf) is the scariest thing in the house, he is not phased.
Fiore (BG3 Durge/Tav) would claim he’s fine but if he’s awake alone, tinnitus and any ambient noise sometimes cause his mind to play tricks on him in the dark. He’d walk a little faster than necessary.
Flick would most likely just be annoyed at the dryer stuffed with clean-but-unfolded clothes. He doesn't really have prey-animal fear instincts like humans seem to, at least not in the sense of "fear of the dark/unknown." If the crickets outside suddenly get quiet, that could spook him though!
Jacky probably hops/jogs by.
She 'camps' in the woods all the time and isn't afraid of the dark, but there's something about an empty room with the door cracked that would say trap door spider to her.
Considering that there's basically a giant skunk here... The night vision helps a lot and if there's actually something it better have no eyes or sense of smell.
Izaen would probably check the room, and if there is no threat, he'll just close the door and go do his business. If there is a threat, he'll eliminate it first. Barely anything fazes him haha
Depends, firstly they don't pee or experience any biological needs but for the sake of the exercise if there's another person in the house they walk, probably on all fours since they're 12 feet tall.
If there isn't they slide and don't bother with animating limbs. Being a liquid metal machine.
Fiore (BG3 Durge/Tav) would claim he’s fine but if he’s awake alone, tinnitus and any ambient noise sometimes cause his mind to play tricks on him in the dark. He’d walk a little faster than necessary.
Both have built in nightvision >w>;;;
Mosaic wouldn't care but close the door on their way by.
Kyriakos would sprint by full tilt (midnight zoomies) followed by exasperated rescue volunteers.
She 'camps' in the woods all the time and isn't afraid of the dark, but there's something about an empty room with the door cracked that would say trap door spider to her.
If there isn't they slide and don't bother with animating limbs. Being a liquid metal machine.