I'm this way with stories/books. I've started many a novel in my life but have only finished one, often getting incredibly excited about a different one in the middle of writing the first. I need to lock in, BUT I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS--
it also helps god invented the private twitter so you can post a million wips a day and be headpatted by all your friends for being a good little game developer
Going from not locking in to solo dev an VN in two years is nothing to scoff at, tho. Like yeah, games take a long time, but two years is pretty good (like, zeroranger took ten, for example) and for a first go actually very good.
I asked a novelist about long projects and he said "inspiration is for amateurs." That inspired me to give up writing and go into computer programming.
yup, I'm on my second game, and being an indie game dev has seriously taught me the meaning of commitment 😭 I always seem to get 'brilliant' ideas whenever I'm halfway through actually building something. It takes true willpower to resist my persuasive shoulder gremlin that always does this lmao
I both love and hate game jams for this, deadline means it actually gets “finished”, but they rarely live up to my expectations of myself and that just kills desire to keep working on it.
Without game jams I can spend more time making it “good”, but I’m a massive procrastinator and rarely finish😭
Without game jams I can spend more time making it “good”, but I’m a massive procrastinator and rarely finish😭