Thanks! I’ll share that as well.
In fact in the first 10 minutes it has more engagement than my art has had in a couple months. I’m done with the pleasantries over there. 😈
Well said. I really hope people remember who these treacherous fucks were, and call them out and let everyone know who they are, so they can be ostracized and shipped down to amerikkka, where they belong.
Jim Elliott
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Where the actual fuck are you now, you snivelling, cowardly, fake-patriot, truck-humping losers? Back in 2022, you absolute morons threw the biggest, most embarrassing temper tantrum in Canadian history over the mild inconvenience of a fucking mask and a fucking vaccine.
You clogged Ottawa, blared your stupid fucking horns, harassed hardworking people, smeared your bullshit all over the Canadian flag, and pretended you were heroes.
You cried your fucking eyes out about freedom while actively making life a living hell for everyone around you.
And now, when Canada is actually facing a real fucking crisis-when Donald fucking Trump is openly talking about annexing us, about turning Canada into the goddamn 51st state-where the fuck are you? Where the fuck is your self-righteous, chest-thumping, flag-waving outrage?
Where the fuck is your big, tough
"freedom convoy" now? Nowhere. Gone. You've all fucking disappeared. Crickets. There's not a goddamn peep from you hypocritical, useless sacks of shit.
Could it be that they are holding their collective breath waiting for their dream to happen. Our unthinkable might be their dream. Didn’t American money support them? Crickets because they’re scared of Trump would be nicer than maybe what is? I’m writing this with sadness, and worry.
FFS, why don’t these dipshits just apply for their green cards, move south and STAY there in the land of open carry and medical bankruptcy? Put your money where your great fat flapping mouths are, whydontcha? Signed, a 4th-generation Albertan who is tired of your mind- boggling stupidity.
In fact in the first 10 minutes it has more engagement than my art has had in a couple months. I’m done with the pleasantries over there. 😈
This cheered me up
ALT text 1\
Where the actual fuck are you now, you snivelling, cowardly, fake-patriot, truck-humping losers? Back in 2022, you absolute morons threw the biggest, most embarrassing temper tantrum in Canadian history over the mild inconvenience of a fucking mask and a fucking vaccine.
You clogged Ottawa, blared your stupid fucking horns, harassed hardworking people, smeared your bullshit all over the Canadian flag, and pretended you were heroes.
You cried your fucking eyes out about freedom while actively making life a living hell for everyone around you.
And now, when Canada is actually facing a real fucking crisis-when Donald fucking Trump is openly talking about annexing us, about turning Canada into the goddamn 51st state-where the fuck are you? Where the fuck is your self-righteous, chest-thumping, flag-waving outrage?
Where the fuck is your big, tough
"freedom convoy" now? Nowhere. Gone. You've all fucking disappeared. Crickets. There's not a goddamn peep from you hypocritical, useless sacks of shit.