Feed additives are not a silver bullet. We can't "clean coal" our way out of fossil fuels & we can't avoid the reality that too many cows are driving emissions AND causing widespread harm to watersheds & wildlife. We need LESS cattle for any of this to work.
Read: https://medium.com/center-for-biological-diversity/feeding-cows-seaweed-to-fight-the-climate-crisis-3ebeb6afe5c3
Read: https://medium.com/center-for-biological-diversity/feeding-cows-seaweed-to-fight-the-climate-crisis-3ebeb6afe5c3
Grazed cows produce more methane emissions, occupy more land, drink more water, and pollute more waterways according to studies
I can't find the exact study, because I took this screenshot a couple of years ago and wasn't sure if I even still had it, but as you can see, it's from an article from the University of Texas talking about the study and this is what they found:
I had forgotten that I took this screenshot from an article about methane emissions from grazed cattle in the Brazilian Amazon however, which is of course resulting in intentional deforestation burns, species extinction, Indigenous land conflicts, etc to secure grazing pastureland