Jump jets completely wreck the flow of combat encounters so every fight blurs together, and, presentation-wise, hitting enemies with guns or powers lacks the punch it had in ME1 and 2, let alone 3
The reason this annoys me so much is I don’t just think 3’s combat is “good for BioWare”, I think it’s genuinely the best third person shooter I’ve played (with the caveat that I’ve never been able to click with Gears of War)
I only dabbled in 3’s multiplayer myself, but there’s a reason it was active for way longer than a throwaway multiplayer mode in a single-player series had any right to be
So, to offer a tepid rebuttal. ME1 is basically turn based combat, so I'm out, and ME2 and ME3 both struggle with the fact that you can not reduce cooldowns enough that you won't just default to guns.
“You can’t reduce cooldowns enough that you won’t just default to guns” was a problem in 2, but it definitely wasn’t in 3. Like, your memory of the game is faulty if you think that
Andromeda, whilst it has its problems, as a biotic push and pull are an excellent combo, that actually means you can go through the game, mostly fighting with your powers. Admittedly, warp and singularity get a debuff but it forced me to be more creative as a result.
Yeah, I think that's about right, and is part of why whenever I replay it I tend to go 'okay, 1, 2, 3, oh let's do 1 again with MShep this time and then get bored midway through 2'.
Now you mention it I've never gotten Mshep past about halfway through 2.
2 for me is the weakest, even if its the highest regarded. Most people seem to like that whole competent everywhere without exceeding anywhere. Personally I prefer games that exceed in an area and can overlook weaknesses.
1 has the strongest story, but weakest combat.
3 has the strongest combat but weakest story.
2 has good story and combat, while exceeding at neither.
At least that's my thoughts.
2 for me is the weakest, even if its the highest regarded. Most people seem to like that whole competent everywhere without exceeding anywhere. Personally I prefer games that exceed in an area and can overlook weaknesses.