Alright, I'm between these two lists for Set Champs Sunday. RubyFasa just can't get over emerald steel my locals pivoted to.
I love Jim in RA to beat the mirror in tempo. And SteelFasa seems to fair better into most steel decks right now, plus Diggy Hole is Diggy Busted.
I love Jim in RA to beat the mirror in tempo. And SteelFasa seems to fair better into most steel decks right now, plus Diggy Hole is Diggy Busted.
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How do you feel about cutting pluto for a split of chien po and tinkerbell generous fairy.
Big tink is always better when shifted
The tink shift targets are honestly too weak to be worth running. I don't wanna run bad cards just to shift, I want constant board tempo.
Big tink can help remove things late game, shift isn't needed. She is a threat that can keep opponents from questing.