Who else thinks there are meetings in the bowels of the Pentagon going on right now? Back channel discussions with our allies between retired high ranking counterparts? Do you think our military is gonna cozy up to the Russian military? Trade secrets, weapon systems, do military exercises? I don't.
Remember this roughly 1/3 of enlisted are "non white", for the Army that # jumps to 40%, ...worry if POtuS begins to build "regional" military units. Send "white troops" into predominantly non white areas, or NW troops into predominantly white areas. Even then I don't see them killing grandma.
I think the military is waiting to see if the courts hold.
They hear POtuS praising Putin, to follow tovarisch Krasnov means an alignment with the Russians AND the Russian military. He may be trying to purge dissent, but I have faith in our military, brothers,sisters, mothers, fathers, they R US.
They hear POtuS praising Putin, to follow tovarisch Krasnov means an alignment with the Russians AND the Russian military. He may be trying to purge dissent, but I have faith in our military, brothers,sisters, mothers, fathers, they R US.