Behind closed doors, Senate Republicans claim there’s no path for Matt Gaetz to become Attorney General.
But let’s see if they’ve got the backbone to keep it real during his hearing—or when it’s time to actually vote!
But let’s see if they’ve got the backbone to keep it real during his hearing—or when it’s time to actually vote!
is serving
There are no Republicans brave enough to stand up to Trump, they've all sold out.
I'm not hopeful
Isn't that an oxymoron? 🤔
u already know...
All the key components are in place.
Hence kevin was ousted by them via pedo gaetz
They always fold in the end.
The bigger question: What dirt may Trump have on these republicans?
Maybe their greatest fear is the dirt or scandalous info Trump may release about them if they alienate him.
Release the Gaetz Report!
No Recess Appointments for Trump's Cabinet!
I trust "behind closed doors" just about as far as I can drop-kick a cheesecake underwater.
From the resistance I am seeing now (none), Gaetz will head the DOJ.