The fact that there are so many low information voters, who don't care enough to educate themselves, or are not smart enough to, is what depresses me. Willful ignorance has become a right wing virtue.
Yeah. I knew we were heading for a problem when people were popping up being proud of not knowing simple math. If you can't calculate the change in a transaction, how are you going to understand how the tax code affects you? You won't, and you'll likely believe in trickle down economics too.
The US is unfortunately totally morally bankrupt, and will be the new Reich. A drunk, rapist, and fascist is in charge of the DoD, and above him a ruthless mad man, with no moral compass. They control the World's largest arsenal of nukes, and the largest armed forces in the World. Woe upon us all.
If I were reading/writing this in a novel, a numbered “code” like that would likely be simple…
The “5” might represent five central pillars of government and society. For example: 1. military, 2. communications 3. justice, 4. finance and 5. agriculture.
You would think they would care about the safety of our service members as well as our country. All the jokes aside this needs to a serious minded person.
maga. Nothing about those fools are republican, the two are not the same. He hijacked the party in 2016, packed it with people who have tongue action, they are maga.
you're right. Look at musk rat, never in a million years would I have guessed he flipped a switch and lost his fucking mind and morals, now come to find out, he never had any morals. Still in shock over it! Loving his stock trade value tanking tho
but they are…the evolution from tea party to maga is quite clear. there is a direct thread from bush/atwater/willie horton to trump/wiles/haitians eating pets…
That was the only question he answered. Everything else was gibberish. Unanimous slander🤤 Asean countries, wrong answer. Total Duffus, didn't do his homework. He should've at least looked a little interested in the post they're handing him! 🙄
Well stated! I almost punched my TV when he was asked “if you did ‘this’ would you consider it wrong” and Hegseth kept replying “I didn’t do that.” Not a politician yet but sure knows how to avoid answering questions.
That’s what this whole Republican government is—one big fraternity of simple men who still need to be “in the club”
And won’t go against Trump because they think he will protect them and their bad behavior
And his stupid response just goes to prove the entire GOO is a cult to worship the shitgibbon. They all speak for an audience of one. None of them claim to work for America they all work for that fucking felon.
has anyone asked him where the money went
He was fired for financial improprieties
fits right in with trump
that hurricane GoFundMe fund
Over $10M
GOP DEI: “there are not enough fraudsters, liars, alcoholics, and philanderers (FLAPs) in positions of grave responsibility. We need to make sure they get a fair shot at top jobs.”
This entire s**t show of a confirmation period is nothing but a frat boy toga party on steroids. And it's not new. I refer you back to the Kavanaugh hearings. A bunch of inebriated, angry, toxic, rapey, out of control would be BiffBros who fancy themselves indispensable to the world order. Delusion.
And the people of Montana elected Sheehy, the lamebrain who asked the question (one of his initial Senate appearances), over icon Jon Tester. Hard to believe
Republicans are owning these hearings with lies and gaslighting. They’re strategic with their lies and it’s effective. Dems better make some changes. Quick.
My thoughts exactly, a bunch of chest-pounding machismo frat boys. Shame on Joni Ernst. Her support for Hegseth shows utter disregard for the brave women who have and continue to serve admirably & the plight of sexual assaults in the Military.
That would be the question asked by the newly elected senator from MT. As a Montanan, I will apologize ahead of time for all the other dumbshit Tim Sheehey will undoubtedly continue to say and do.
Yes, but he is a strong and sexy young buck who is so handsome and with all those muscles and beautiful full head of hair. -Most "straight, "christian", Republican congressmen, probably.
That's a good analogy! My first thought was Hegseth was behaving like a middle school boy showing off for attention. I can see why he appeals to Felon 45.
many chicks he banged, then laughed it off!
The confirmation hearing is a joke!
The way Republicans lie to their low information voters to manipulate and deceive them is truly repulsive.
"Why don't we have movies like Porky's anymore?"
He answered "47" Code. Code. Signal of loyalty to, ummm. King 47.
Yup. He qualifies.
Trying to figure out the "5" portion of his code.
The “5” might represent five central pillars of government and society. For example: 1. military, 2. communications 3. justice, 4. finance and 5. agriculture.
In fiction, this wouldn’t be good.
MAGA is 100% satanic.
Fascism is always satanic.
He's one of yours.
Deal with it.
> Abusive attitude toward women
> Excessive drinking, even on the job
> Monumental financial mismanagement
>>> You wouldn't trust him to babysit your kids AND his vetting has been "Kavanaughed"!
SENATORS: Your duty is to our COUNTRY, not Trump. Look in the mirror, then vote NO!!
And won’t go against Trump because they think he will protect them and their bad behavior
He was fired for financial improprieties
fits right in with trump
that hurricane GoFundMe fund
Over $10M
REMINDER; Brett Kavanaugh.
How will we all react?