If you didn’t watch the State of the Union last night, just watch this. Guaranteed—Trump’s followers ate it up, so be ready with the facts when it spreads.
Rachel Maddow ran a clinic on Trump’s lies last night.
Rachel Maddow ran a clinic on Trump’s lies last night.
What the hell did Trump do in Russia to be so willing to destroy America?
Not one bit of respect for any of these traitors
"Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People, Shall Not Perish From The Earth"!
Sure As Hell Still Means Something!
Decent America Is Still In Charge!
🇺🇸 🗽
It won't be pretty
But we get to decide who it won't be pretty for
Trump is a vile, lie-spewing puss bag that can't do anything but lie
Anyone think that's strange?
Most people say, Hello, or glad you could make it.
She brings it … every day.
Cool, calm, and collected.
Factual, frank and funny.
Watch her … and enjoy her surgical skills, as she disassembles the body of lies we find every day.
put down your current issues,
everyone needs to focus on the MOST DANGEROUS issue,
the orange faced rapist and his weaponized government
before it's too late.
Just sayin'
SS is notified as soon as a death certificate is issued-which should be within 2 days unless part of a crime?
SS never pays benefits to dead people-the Feb payment would be made in March-2nd/3rd or 4th Wednesdays. None of which have occurred yet.
I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just not sure that a payment made in February, to a person who died in February, would not be the subject for a request for repayment.
Hope this helps
you don't say!
His base eats up everything he says without vetting a single statement.
Dems knowing that he's feeding a bunch of lies and BS that can easily be debunked. Like the transgender mice BS and the SS paying people 300 yrs old
No way!
Civics & American History lessons, please, you poisonous MAGA sh*ts!!
I wish Rachel had debunked with that irrefutable truth.
Dems have no idea how to fight fascists
Not an authentic bone in their body and not a shred of humanity in their soul.
My sister messaged me every two minutes with a 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 and 🤡 🤡 🤡