No further debate—Trump’s DEI policy is clearly racist.
The Pentagon is flagging for removal, historic photos of Black & brown heroes who served, claiming they “promote DEI.”
The military was segregated until 1948. Black people served while facing racism. Where was the DEI? Erasure is the point.
The Pentagon is flagging for removal, historic photos of Black & brown heroes who served, claiming they “promote DEI.”
The military was segregated until 1948. Black people served while facing racism. Where was the DEI? Erasure is the point.
Imagine removing references to the Enola Gay. The plane synonymous with the atom bomb!
They're SMALL and WEAK!!
A CULT full of jellyfish 🪼🪼 with only mushrooms to show for it!! 🍄🟫 🍄🟫
No doubt dRump is a racist.
Trump is GOP's Fuhrer, their Jesus and their God.
No one else had a piece of this country's history. Who built the white house? Who harvested the cotton and tobacco?
Who killed Custer? Who first grew corn and beans?
You have to wonder how they reproduced.
I’m not sure who or why there would be a debate about that point. The problem is that they (the racist homophobic misogynist kleptocrat Christofascist autocrats) have the power.
Can we reverse that?
Realistically, how?
Seriously, get rid of them, the world will applaud you.
There is an undercurrent of fascism and feality to Trump in the military, unfortunately.
Don't let them obscure it!
I guess we replace the mainstream media use of the word "unclear" with the word racist. Then it all becomes very clear😉
Divide and conquer only works if people are divided.
Trump/Musk mandates.
Christo-Fascist white supremacists are out 2 purge the MOST DIVERSIFIED military in da world‼️ F’em🖕
How exactly do you know an airplanes gender?🤔
Congrats, 'murikkka.
It is our turn now. They were the strongest generation, but hopefully we can all rise to the occasion as well. We have no choice.
To them it means Don't Ever Include....
The rest is silent, they can fill it in with whatever they want except "white men"
Without a whimper..
—offers legacy media, as to why these photos are being removed
Literarily lazy & passive-aggressive framing
If not, a volunteering of a yet unexplaind reason, a lending of credibility to plausible deniability of unknown origin, or dismissive of relevant evidence of specific & broad racism
Some people are just terrible at assessing character!!!
Nazis did this too
(The following is meant to be trump's voice)
bUt WhAt AbOuT tHe WhItE mEn?!?!
(You totally did it, didn't you? You read that on his voice, and it fit perfectly, didn't it?)
They have never wanted for anything & have never approved of anyone or any program that supports those in need.
Many are former friends. 💔💙 💙💛
there was never a time trump wasn't racist
(Miller was a black cook on the West Virginia at Pearl Harbor. He moved wounded sailors to safety and then, without any training, took charge of a .50 cal machine gun and proceeded to shoot down Japanese planes.)
Our diversity is a STRENGTH, not a weakness!
I am so fvcking infuriated by these racist bastards!
I laughed a bit and moved on, I had allowed myself a little moment childish indulgence.
I did not set national policy based on that little moment of childish indulgence.
This also applies to the Japanese. Research the 442nd Division
That might be easier to understand.
But also, Kanye's Nazi ass too.
The resistance is growing. The Revolution to remove them is in the air.
Vietnam. Black dad Cajun.
Horrific hazing/beating by white fellow soldilers at Basic in US Army when thrown in all white unit.
He did 360 missions in 364 days & came out decorated to the hilt & PTSD so bad ?
Scarier than hell to all but friends.
None of this “allegedly” bullshit, they’re blatantly racist and I’m calling what it is.