We already know this—and they also boost our GDP.
This isn’t new news. It’s just news Republicans didn’t want folks to know. And they have no plan on how they’re going to make up for the lost revenue.
This isn’t new news. It’s just news Republicans didn’t want folks to know. And they have no plan on how they’re going to make up for the lost revenue.
340 billion dollars. Each a**hole who pushed the lie of "MASS" deportation gets a million. Personal audits for all of them.
Making movies calling people we can't see faces of "terrorists".
Use @5calls.org to easily leave a message for your representatives and senators.🗣️🤳💪💙
Use @5calls.org to easily leave a message for your representatives and senators.🗣️🤳💪💙
Most of us pay social security tax on every penny we ever earn, but not the top %.
If we eliminate this cap and cap benefits paid out, that will save social security.
Use @5calls.org to easily leave a message for your representatives and senators.🗣️🤳💪💙
I dont understand why MAGA wants to hurt these people so badly. It feels like cruelty is the only point.
WHO is defrauding Americans?
They also do not have to worry about the economic implications, like us regular folks
Use @5calls.org to easily leave a message for your representatives and senators.🗣️🤳💪💙
“They” are human beings, trying to make it through a system that is built to keep them down. There is no Ellis island where our ancestors came in “legally” by “putting our X here”.
When the undocumented need medical care, they go to emergency rooms where their legal status is protected.
The right has been planning this move for decades. The left didn't take them at their word.