I would love to, but we have some very old horses that we can't find a home for and will not abandon. We got our passports as soon the felon was elected planning on leaving before inauguration thinking we could find a home for the animals but that didn't happen😣
Still hoping🤞
I misunderstood, I thought that you thought I was a illegal immigrant. Sorry😕
thank you for the suggestion🤝 We would be Proud to live in Canada. As you can see below
I don't know if there will be a Canada unless something happens to weaken American strength from within. What he is enabling Putin to do with Ukraine is exactly what he plans for Canada and Mexico
Can we? I want all of California to be the 11th province in Canada (I’m Californian). Washington and Oregon can be the 12th and 13th provinces. We’ll be good citizens and we’ll watch hockey and learn the words to O Canada. Whatever you want.
100% yes. Americans have a moral obligation to stay in America and fight for our country. We owe this to the entire world. I joke about joining Canada but I’m staying and I’m fighting the fascists who are trying to make the US part of a new Axis of Evil.
I was disgusted and
pi$$ed that Starmer was such a scrotum (would have said
pu$$y but they're strong). Can't believe Charles sent Trump a love letter. Pathetic. ❤️🇨🇦❤️
We’re waking up, I hope. It’s unbelievable that the US government is attacking people who are famous for being so nice (Canadians and Danes) or people facing existential threats (Ukrainians and Palestinians). It’s cartoonishly evil. I can’t speak for other Americans, but I’m fighting.
I appreciate the positivity but he will. The playbook has been set. The world is taking notice.
Politics no longer even fakes catering to the people. Power driven bigots know they can win because humanity, on average, are terrible people. They'll do anything for power and money.
California and Florida had nearly an equal amount of Trump voters. 4.8M of us in Texas voted against him. I’m sick of west coasters saying this and showing they don’t give a shit about the rest of us.
We give a shit and we feel sorry for those of you in red states. Keep fighting. You can have a MUCH bigger impact than us Democrats in California. We’re preaching to the choir here, you’re bravely fighting MAGA. In any case, it was a joke. All Americans have to fight together. We’re with you ❤️
Thank you for those words of encouragement! I do get it. I lived in NorCal in when he first got elected and we all talked about “Pacifica” 😭😭 It just feels so much more real now that I live in fear in Texas, where even living in a big city won’t protect you from being surrounded by nazis.
It wasn’t half the electorate, it was closer to a third (about a third voted for Kamala and a third didn’t vote). The American electorate is characterized more by low information and apathy. The American people don’t want this, they either don’t care or they aren’t aware.
It’s the people who don’t care that help bring people like Trump to power because he only needs to be mindful of those who do. Since an election impacts the an entire nation, voting needs to be compulsory.
The majority of Americans are horrified by what the Trump administration is doing to Canada and the rest of our friends around the world, or they’re not paying attention. But Trump does not represent America. He represents Putin.
Still hoping🤞
thank you for the suggestion🤝 We would be Proud to live in Canada. As you can see below
pi$$ed that Starmer was such a scrotum (would have said
pu$$y but they're strong). Can't believe Charles sent Trump a love letter. Pathetic. ❤️🇨🇦❤️
Politics no longer even fakes catering to the people. Power driven bigots know they can win because humanity, on average, are terrible people. They'll do anything for power and money.
I don't think PP would publicly disrespect another foreign leader like that, as an example.
But try and erase trans existence, instill pro life laws, etc? You fucking better believe that he, and all other future world leaders will.
Among democracies, I know I will win that argument for the next 4 years! Hopefully not longer….😢