We have compulsory voting here in Australia, doesn't mean you have to vote, you must turn up on polling day or cop a $120 fine. Trump’s character would have prevented him from running here, convicted felons are disbarred.
You guys are so lucky to have that , we have lost it and I don't know if we will ever get it back. No one from our party fought this , and here we are in big trouble.
Yes it does , and we need to get our young leadership in the lead , to many of our older ones it's become a game no longer about the people, our young ones are in tune with the people. We need them because the old playbook is not working anymore.
It's true , we need our young leaders, we have them and to many leaders in Washington it's become a game of win or lose. It's time to give those younger people their due , they are our future.
You are so right, there are many younger Democrats with the energy and intellect needed, but the current leaders, best represented by Schumer, need to assist in the evolution to a stronger, more dynamic movement. No more go along to get along. We aren't going back to the Eisenhower era.
I wouldn't say it was that many that CHOSE not to vote. We are all very aware of how the red states make it difficult for people to vote. Voter suppression is very real, especially in the South.
Yeah. It's unfortunate that you actually might have to fight to protect democracy and your rights under it. Unless they physically turned you away from a polling station on election day, you have zero excuse.
No I don't live in the south and I know it's a huge problem, that can't be changed if you don't have the power to do it. YOU GOT TO GET PEOPLE IN . That will not change until you educate the people of those states that it's the highest in Texas Georgia yada yada.
That's true indeed , but we have to give them candidates they can believe in as well, look at all the colleges students who went for trump that should be an eye opener to them. But was it? Or are we just playing the win or lose game?
Time to pressure the older ones to get the hell out of office and make way for the younger ones so they can lead. Pelosi being a prime example of working to block a younger, effective, popular Dem by lifting up a 70+ Dem with a serious health issue instead. And the House Dems caved & did her bidding
Be more egalitarian.