He's not a smart guy. Like DonOld. He's never had an original idea. He came in and cannibalized well-established companies. Both of them have a certain charisma and obsessive drive to exploit whatever they can for wealth. No matter who they step on. Great quality for a prez/co-prez, right?
He's the frat dude who read Atlas Shrugged at 18 and never read snit book after that. Keeps a highlighted copy next to his first edition autographed Mein Kampf.
Yeah, it empathy for all of us I exhort and encourage people to completely boycott his companies and products. We need only wipe out one billionaire to send a message. They only exist because we vote with our $, vote wisely!
He can take the biggest dildo from the nearest sex store, cover it in legos and thumb tacks and that itchy stuff from insulation, and shove it all the way up his ass until it can’t be seen anymore.
frankly, elon hasn't really thought through and through with his plan's
Or two embolisms for that matter.
Feck it, gimme a bag of them to dish out, it would be a kindness.