When was the left half of an egg "zero existence"; not #now. Try "the mass of the sun is larger than the plant and animal immune systems collaborating on Earth, including 'stop now' which doesn't stop Earth's rotation."
Cantor's diagonal argument:
1+1 points will now = ✌🏼 points
So you = 🧠🥈🧠 = now
Cantor's diagonal argument:
1+1 points will now = ✌🏼 points
So you = 🧠🥈🧠 = now
“That’s nonsense, mate. It’s like saying some ghosts are more ghosty than others.”
“I have a rigorous proof”
“And next you gonna tell me there are more numbers than numbers?”
“This is deep mathematics.”
“It’s clever, sure? But how does it help me buy a pint?”