Thread, in no order
I've been the dutiful son going to an all boys prep school and all boys boarding high school until i dropped out at 15. I still graduated with summer school, but no prom.
I've been the weird understanding nonbinary housemate who lets you get away with... for 14 months
I've been the dutiful son going to an all boys prep school and all boys boarding high school until i dropped out at 15. I still graduated with summer school, but no prom.
I've been the weird understanding nonbinary housemate who lets you get away with... for 14 months
I've been the weird gay friend who helps you leave your cheating boyfriend (btw he cheated on his last girlfriend with you... but i digress). I had to leave cause your drug friends were a bunch of c*nts.
I'm the weird workmate whose accent is slightly too posh (elocution lessons at 6) and knows too many words.
Even my time being homeless in London for 18 months, where i had to go "back in genderfuck closet"
And Yes, I know I didn't get that post on my own merit.
Even if you think it's only a plural pronoun.
My life has been and will continue to be plural.
I dont get a choice.
It's not up for debate.