Crazy that the only one who isn't a possible criminal is married to a guy who shit on his mistress while tag teaming her with John Laurianitis. Allegedly.
What job in office would "Epstein" have gotten if he wasn't caught?
What is the tipping toe for Americans? Or r they (also) made so passive against government (scared) that the best they can do is wage a war on the internet? "The land of the free" where?
The dude has no filter, no one to curb his wilder ideas other than the rank and file of the bureaucracy and those he might just be able to fire on a whim until he gets his desired yes men. It's going to be a rough ride for the foreseeable future.
Hey.. just a thought, but has someone revisited all the formal job descriptions for those positions, and added 'bonus if you can't pass a background check'? It just seems the applicant pool is picking up a little something-something new when applying
What is the tipping toe for Americans? Or r they (also) made so passive against government (scared) that the best they can do is wage a war on the internet? "The land of the free" where?
As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together.
In the tune to, Old Macdonald Had a Farm.
Thoughts and prayers.
although, >1/3 of eligible voters apparently didn't even show up. So maybe it is a majority depending on ratio of where you put them.