They are counting on you just posting on the Internet and not getting out there, organizing your neighbors to protect your fundamental liberties and the constitution of the United States of America.
I traveled the world in 1988-1990, I felt @ home in my own skin, that I belonged on this journey to find out some meaning how my life was to be with the rest of earth. When I returned to the US I realized the differences between lines & barbed 1's East Berlin in 88 w/the wall. I stand w/ democracy
I was initially doing this weekly. Then daily. Now hourly. This has been enough to suck the life & joy right out of a soul. But any other options truly are not acceptable if you have a conscience, knowing their future success is fully dependent upon our apathy or giving up. โฎ๏ธ๐
The truth being tRump is disqualified from taking office based onA14 S3 of the Constitution of the USA. If he is sworn in then the Constitution is obviously just words written on pieces of paper.
Remember, we are stronger together. Find a group of like-mind group of people in your area. You can also work nationwide with a group of experts with a successful track record The more of us there are, the more successful we'll all be.