Biden was president while Gaza was destroyed right? He said Rafah was a red line right? He said the ceasefire was the same as it was last spring right?
You may be right, but what I fail to comprehend, is that people fail to understand they had TWO choices! Good or bad, THAT is your options! You must pick the best one for the time being! Until you have better options!
The Gaza issue should have been easy for Biden. Any serious effort to pressure the Israeli government to act in accordance with international law and basic humanitarian standards would have been seen as a win.
Instead, he walked into Netanyahu’s trap again and again and again.
Biden is to blame here, not voters. Now we can keep trying to defend a politician who has failed to win the hearts and minds of this generation or we can pony up and do the real work of coalition-building. I know where I stand.
I am not sure why people can’t take the stance that sending bombs to kill people— is wrong— no matter which party does it.
If you think KHarris lost on one issue— you aren’t paying attention.
I voted for her—
This myopic viewpoint is childish and doesn’t solve the underlying issues that keep us in these destructive cycles.
I am screaming into the void— I know.
But at some point more of you need to wake the fuck up.
Ukraine is keeping us a civil society
Why is this burden falling on one nations shoulders
The terrorists are the 1%
The genocide in South Sudan takes the lives of 30,000 civilians, on average, each month.
Oh, and
I do not know what happened in the 40’s-50’s that have caused this war. It is a human travesty the long standing war in this area.
Should the world fund the UN to fight situations like in Sudan
Anyone not living in a war is just because of where they were born
Being vindictive at people on your side isn’t helping.
Instead of blaming them for that reasonable response, we should ask why the Democratic Party is unable to field better candidates.
Biden is to blame here, not voters. Now we can keep trying to defend a politician who has failed to win the hearts and minds of this generation or we can pony up and do the real work of coalition-building. I know where I stand.