I see the problem, Isabel. Silly you, you’re forgetting that it is only the fetus that matters. Once the baby is born, f*ck em, they’re not our problem anymore.
I don't know why they post them when they don't even follow them. Hypocrisy. Apparently they forgot about the loaves and fishes in their precious bible.
Democratic nations need 2 CIRCLE the wagons around America & implement ECONOMIC SANCTIONS on Musk, Trump, Vance, ALL CABINET MEMBERS, ALL GOP MAGA supporters, & make it clear that we need the WORLD more than the WORLD needs a Russian satellite. FREEZE OLIGARCHS' ACCOUNTS. #stopCOUP #FreezeOligarchs
Religion flies people into buildings.
The Churchgoing “Christians”
NOTHING they ever do is for the kids
It's for THEM