Thanks Senator for forcing them onto the record. And please tell Senator Durbin how angry so many of us are here in Illinois over his budget vote. Unconscionable.
shameful. The privilege those cowards selling out servicemen/women are enjoying came at expense of the service the living and the dead gave to their country. wtf did those entitled sssholes ever do for their country? Especially Trump?
So ....if Democrats were politically savvy enough , and I doubt they are , they should be all over every news outlet , including Fox ...pushing that fact . It's little wonder the nonsense from the right is winning ....!!
We warned them all. When Project 2025 came to light Trump claimed to Know nothing about it , within days it appeared that Trump lied to his supporters they are doing just as they said. Dismantling our Government and it will never fully recover. The Democracts better come together NOW.
Can everyone everywhere call out each and every one of these so-called representatives every single time you see them-- on the street, if they live on your block, at the store. No peace for these people ever.
Republicans ARE the enemy of the people now, and a free, unfettered, enthusiastic PRESS is NEVER an enemy of the people. Authoritarians, yes, but “the people”, NEVER!!!
It's just weird... is this really what the constituents that these Republicans represent want? What on earth is the upside to shitting on veterans who lost their jobs?
It’s now old news