When Musk became a US citizen, he gave an oath to be loyal to our constitution and laws. He has violated that oath. Revoke his citizenship and deport him.
Do they know: Among the many positive accomplishments by USAID over the course of its history was to help bring an end to apartheid in South Africa through peaceful means.
Well that tiny one on the right calls himself, “Big Balls”. He fancies himself ultra masculine so he named himself. Apparently, no one else fancies him that way, so he needed a macho name to make up for his…um…shortcomings?
Unelected incels have your social security data
Unelected incels have all your sensitive information
Unelected incels have access to trillions of your $$$
Elected representatives aren't calling for their arrest
He’s a sick person.
So much for having a constitution.
I suppose they targeted young people in Germany back then too 😞
Unelected incels have all your sensitive information
Unelected incels have access to trillions of your $$$
Elected representatives aren't calling for their arrest
very fucking weird