He doesn't give a flying fuck about the bible or Christianity his god is money, nothing more, nothing less. He used god & the bible to win power, he achieved that - now he's going for absolute power. He's already abandoned his flock he doesn't need them anymore.
How did he get away with such blatant crookery? His presidency isn't even legit if the OATH isn't taken in the proper manner. Who are his handlers, and where is the press ? This isn't a deposition where he pleads the 5th nearly 450 times...
I am an atheist who went to parochial school in high school. I know more about the fucking bible than TRUMPKIN!! He is the LEAST religious POTUS in modern times BY FAR.
I like the Puritan minister who stepped out of a Hawthorne novel into the most demented inauguration ever though. Oh that's right. It's Melania modeling her new line of 'Angel of Death' outfits.
I'm having a hard time trying to figure out why he didn't. It can't be what I'm pondering about. He would have to have a conscience. Sociopaths do not possess consciences.
Plus, it was the closest thing he could do instead of hiding his left hand behind his back and crossing his fingers.
This guy serves Satan!