It’s been scheduled for right after infrastructure week, which will be following their release of their new and better health plan they wrote in 2012 🙃🥸😑
And here’s how it’s going to gel out: Trump’s will pressure Zelinsky to buckle. Zelensky won’t. Trump will threaten to cut off all funding to Ukraine believing Zelensky will buckle. Zelensky wound. Trump will follow through.The world will sit back and watch the Ukraine people be slaughtered.
Guess he figured that with a Putin puppet in the White House, Ukrainians would give up hope and surrender to Russia.
Speaking as a Ukrainian immigrant with a family history of tragedy at the hands of autocrats: Ukrainians will never surrender. And we won’t respect a fascist сукин син U.S. President.
Which will be addressed once the retribution is complete.
I'm gonna guess....
Speaking as a Ukrainian immigrant with a family history of tragedy at the hands of autocrats: Ukrainians will never surrender. And we won’t respect a fascist сукин син U.S. President.
And if the hostages aren’t released by inauguration then they’ll have hell to pay.