Calling them nerds is offensive to nerds. Nerds are very good at tech and problem solving. He & his bozos couldn't fight their way out of wet paper sacks with sharp knives.
I'm a nerd and I do not recognise elon as a fellow nerd. He's just a rich guy who pays people for their ideas and knowledge, then says it's all his. So, no, this is not a nerd reich. A nerd reich would be all about real advance.
But Gawds-Dammit the Orange Menace and his Dark MAGAt Boy Blunder are doing it in the direction of invading 🇨🇦 & 🇲🇽
Sorry, I just wept for my country when I read and agreed with this:
Clearly written as erotica for incels.
Thanks for posting this! I followed to see more.
Religion and politics aside, I figure you can tell when words of hope are worthy.
Please know that my work is 100% free forever. I just want to share my light.
But you have a sharp wit and call shit shit! Dead people aren’t collateral damage. “Collateral damage” is propaganda phrasing.
They’re innocent and murdered for no reason other than proximity.
Keep up the fight.
Here’s my latest…but I have more work to do!
It’s good to meet you.
I figured hope was a good tone to hit until it’s all over.. way or another.
Well wishes from Little Rock, Arkansas!
I'm sure someone's thought of The Turd Reich