haneke is maybe my favorite director ever. he is a pacifist, but his usage of violence in films to implicate the audience in what they are observing is insane
ive only seen triangle and i enjoyed. definitely a similar vein to haneke. i should check out his other stuff
im weird because i like those sorts of heavy films, but i also adore ozu and film noir and 50s melodramas (douglas sirk) and mid 80-mid 90s romcoms lol
I don't think that's any weirder than having diverse musical taste! There's a film for every mood. And Douglas Sirk whips.
Force Majeure was Östlund's breakthrough, and is worth seeking out. Criterion Channel has 3 of his earlier films, of which Play is the most Haneke-esque.
seventh continent is probably my fav of his. benny's video is also up there, but idk if i can ever bring myself to watch the first 20ish minutes of that film again
im weird because i like those sorts of heavy films, but i also adore ozu and film noir and 50s melodramas (douglas sirk) and mid 80-mid 90s romcoms lol
Force Majeure was Östlund's breakthrough, and is worth seeking out. Criterion Channel has 3 of his earlier films, of which Play is the most Haneke-esque.