I came to say the same thing. What a sniveling, heartless moron he is. He HAS to know about her, right? I mean, I know and I'm younger than him and not related. 😳
Did he live in a closet? I'm his age and I saw children with autism. Most of the time, children w/autism were institutionalized; but the families who couldn't afford that or who wanted to retain custody of their kids, kept them home.
On reason we didn’t see too many severely disabled kids when I was a kid was that they were housed in places like this (and everyone knew it): https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elwyn_(company)
What is wrong with these "people"? It seems the main qualification for being rich and in a position of power, on the farer right of politics, is you are not the brightest, but insist everybody beleives you are. The Emperor Has No Clothes story, went over their heads.
He's also blamed vaccines (flu shot, specifically) for his spasmodic dysphonia, even though that's a neurological condition and last I checked a worm ate part of his brain, so
Elon: “That’s why I’m not vaccinated”
Elon & RFK Jr: “Haha, hahaha, ha, hahaha”
Thank you.
RFK Jr is a shitty human who is loathed by his own family and likely always has been
Maga needs to be more honest, it's really make America look like it did in the 50s plz.
Everyone else use the servants entrance
We tried it. It didn’t work.