I'm all for it Karly. How do we get this process up and running? I'll help build it whatever it is, even if it's from IKEA or TEMU. I got a screwdriver let's go!!
I think we’ll eventually end up here. I think states will eventually all do their own thing. People will move if they don’t jive values with their governors. It’s the only way we can move forward short of Civil War 2.0
It amazes me the folks screaming the loudest about waste are generally from the states that get the most aid from the rest of the country. Rarely are the screamers from the states that feed more funds back to the country then they take.
Well they are going to blast themselves quiet a bit. Most of the defunding is going to hit Red states rather than Blue states the hardest. To be sure all will be hit. But Red states tend to be the states that receive the most Federal funding while Blues tend to be donor states.
How I feel bout democrat policy’s lol. All the LGBT stuff yall want funded should come out of your pockets. Not normal people’s. All this diversity stuff. The people’s pockets who voted for it. And whatever else wasteful shit yall like to have. lol.
Even greater if we could force them to live in the Red States they glorify . For context : I know so many from my home state of Michigan that would run back with their tales between their legs from Alabama, for starters ! Fools .
I wonder how people in other totalitarianism regimes reconciled this with one another? Did they ever come together in pain or did they die holding permanent grudges?
Too many of these people have no idea that their own representatives & their own state governments are royally screwing them.
Funny that the dept of ed pays so much to these states that in general have terrible education systems
I don’t see any way out of this other than breaking up the US. 1/3 of voting American want to live in a Theocracy - so move them all to Alabama, Mississippi, and the rest of the dumb south and leave the rest of us alone.
Your are correct.
After a couple hours of thrashing around in their world, telling them how they are getting conned and insanity reigns, a stop in BSky is a nice place to go ahhh.
My hot take is that we would have let the south go instead of had the civil war. I would bet that we wouldn’t even be in the situation we are in now if we said “fine, you go do you. Leave us alone.”
Not quite sure how I found you on here, but I love what you have to say! I just don't want to be some internet creeper who likes all your posts. They're great. I'm not very good with words sometimes and this helps
Yep though I’d also include those whiny people who thought voting 3rd party or not voting at all was a smart protest!
It sucks that those of us who voted for the highly qualified woman are stuck in this FO mode of FAFO.
think of the golden rule, do on to others as others have done to you, this has all happened before, look at germany in '45, they loved hitler, he was their god king, history repeats, soon they will find out what they did electing a nazi, unfortunately the rest of us will suffer too
Wealth transfer to the rich
Voter Suppression
Dirty Air and Water
Destroying Planet
They are getting what they voted for. Too many are so deeply entrenched in their worship of their dear leader they can’t handle the pain of admitting they were wrong. Each of them will need to arrive at their own breaking point.
Canada is doing it and I absolutely love it. What's frustrating is that Blue states are just going to continue to support the red states. Doing my best to not buy from red companies or red states but soon it's gonna be very hard once regulations get slashed.
Trump is shutting down the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, an agency that has returned nearly $20 billion to consumers since it was created in 2011.
I think we’ll eventually end up here. I think states will eventually all do their own thing. People will move if they don’t jive values with their governors. It’s the only way we can move forward short of Civil War 2.0
Funny that the dept of ed pays so much to these states that in general have terrible education systems
These people are letting MAGA rule unobstructed.
This is how the Nazi's came to power
Take the fight TO THEM in their safe spaces.
After a couple hours of thrashing around in their world, telling them how they are getting conned and insanity reigns, a stop in BSky is a nice place to go ahhh.
Did you mean to say "secede"?
It sucks that those of us who voted for the highly qualified woman are stuck in this FO mode of FAFO.
Why can't we give ppl exactly what they vote for? They vote against their own interests all the time.
Wealth transfer to the rich
Voter Suppression
Dirty Air and Water
Destroying Planet
MAGA morons: Yay!