And just for the record, when you terminate a govt contract without cause ("for convenience"), the contractor is entitled to reasonable costs incurred. In case anyone isn't clear on that.
If you're 80% done with a million dollar house and you stop, you have a worthless $800.000 investment that is losing money every day and will probably cost at least $400,000 to finish after the workers leave the job. This is the real world.
Doge is trying to cook the books so they can justify another tax cut but they do t even know how to do that
Worse they don’t know they don’t know and should have hired someone else to cook the books
If we’d tried this input li Ed we’d be in jail now
If the $1M was borrowed, and you generously give the $200,000 "savings" to your kids, say for college, or use it to pay for unexpected medical expenses, your debt is still $1M.
Based on things DOGE has actually done so far, they would count the $200K and the $1M separately and add them together, then likely stick an extra zero in there and claim $12M in savings.
Termination costs are very expensive depending on percent complete, if it’s a termination for default vs termination for convenience and takes YEARS to negotiate and settle depending on the size of the contract.
You are also likely to be sued by your builder/contractor for breach of contract. Which, after attorney’s fees and paying the settlement/damages will cost you roughly… $200,000.
Dumbest analogy ever.
FIFY - If you were building a million dollar home every year and midway through one year realized you don't million dollar homes every year, you likely wasted money on the one you're building but saving boatloads on not building the future ones.
If you're 80% of the way through building a million dollar home and you shut everything down, you haven't saved a million dollars; you've wasted $800,000.
Exactly! I have said if you have spent 11 months paying on a non refundable $12000 dream vacay to say I need to find $1000 so Im not paying for or going on my vacation next month. Who would DO that? They would trim their budget, & sell stuff. Not throw away $11,000! That is what Doge is doing.
Or rather, you haven't saved anything unless you can sell it. You've wasted $800k.
Even if you sell, the buyer will have you at an advantage, and you're unlikely to get what you invested.
They know this. They don’t care. It’s on purpose. This makes people subconsciously underestimate them, and that’s a dangerous thing to do.
Worse they don’t know they don’t know and should have hired someone else to cook the books
If we’d tried this input li Ed we’d be in jail now
FIFY - If you were building a million dollar home every year and midway through one year realized you don't million dollar homes every year, you likely wasted money on the one you're building but saving boatloads on not building the future ones.
It's an antique, delicate, and very valuable vase. Once you break it, no amount of superglue will make it whole again.
It will always have scars, and some pieces may never be found.
Even if you sell, the buyer will have you at an advantage, and you're unlikely to get what you invested.