If I ever thought being white made me special or mattered to who I was and I needed to erase people to feel better I’d kill myself! We should be lifting each other up we are all the same that was the lesson of the human genome project!
Racist , petty , vindictive, more of the same by the smirking goblins. Incapable of stringing together an intelligent sentence , witness Hesgeth’s arse licking announcement today of the F47 , the banality of evil eh!
Yup, all under the hand of a guy whose military career was pretty miniscule and who is a drunk. I think he erases that info because he feels inferior. There are people who do outstanding jobs in the military who are now at risk because of a guy who has an alcohol and inferiority problem
It's my hope that these people flocking to Bernie sanders&AOC rallies start looking further into socialism communism Labor&class struggle Actuality see they don't actually stand for anything just finance the continuation of bourgeoisie oligarchy do absolutely nothing for us
Please join Rabbi Rothschild’s World Peace Discord: https://Discord.me/Rabbi Rabbi=Truman Show YouTube Live 24/7/365 3+ years. We dare you: type #ViralRabbi in any social media search. Data=Earth’s #1 resource. Rabbi=most data ever. Share to be a trillionaire! #RabbiRothschild
The Republican party is Americas Taliban, make no mistake. It doesn't matter that it's a "Christian" Taliban instead of Muslim, they're still the Taliban in America. Women in Afghanistan could go to school and work before the Taliban, now they can't even speak in public.
punk ass dick head Trump is soooooo stupid that he had to sue his college to prevent them from ever releasing his grades. He must have been a very "smart" student. Ha Ha Ha Ha
The individual doing the “erasing” is clearly the “inferior” one. It’s called ‘leveling’: They trash other’s achievements so theirs appear bigger & better. That’s what LOSERS do.
Exactly!! Why do the accomplishments of blacks, women, Hispanic, indigenous ppl bother wyt men so much (if wyt men are truly the “apex” they think/say they are)? Perhaps, they know what we all know; that they’re not the apex & that’s what scares them into trying to erase us! They need therapy!!
That's true to a certain extent, but the main reason is:
Erasing the minorities completely. Memories are the first step (it's a twofer since this is a means of humiliation too), but you can be sure that it becomes physical soon.
Unless someone takes Krasnov and his comrades out of the equation.
The difference is that we live in the age of information. It's hard to destroy information that the average person can have backed up on a hard drive somewhere in their house.
Back up wikipedia and protect your local libraries, ya'll
Disgusting, disheartening, infuriating. The actions of these racists disrespect these heroes. Their smiling reversal doesn’t fix the racism: “. . . and some that smile, have in their hearts, l fear, Millions of mischiefs.”
It is frightening. Like going back to a plantations mindset. Wealthy white people land grabs and pushing their agenda.No way this is democracy. Dumb down America like in a third world dictatorship. Think about what it will be like a year from now.
Saturday Night Live explained it perfectly... 11 years ago.
Fragile whites (it's a mindset, not a skin color) are so terrified of a future where they're not in control of everything, that they're burning the country to the ground out of spite.
It is not whites burning things down. It is a group of radical humans (I wouldn't call them humans) that are doing it. The fact they are white is irrelevant.
Europe did not send us its best. They sent prisoners, inmates from insane asylums, debtors, religious nuts and misfits,and all those who couldn’t make there.
These are their descendants and the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
No competition guarantees their success, in their minds.
Exactly. Trump and his grisly gang of entitled white men have to pretend that discrimination doesn't exist because they can't admit that others had more challenges than they did. It's the insane mentality that allows Trump to call himself self made after daddy's $ bought every accomplishment.
Please do what our democratic senators should have done. Sign up for a general strike! We need 11M signers ASAP
Por favor, hagan lo que nuestros senadores democráticos deberían haber hecho. ¡Llama y firma para una huelga general! Necesitamos 11M para que sea viable
Senator Thune & Speaker Johnson, do your job! Stop Trump before he weakens the U.S. by dismantling the government. He’s preparing to declare martial law, claiming the Supreme Court is illegitimate. He wants absolute power. Defend democracy now!
When you put a drunken, rapist, racist misogynist in charge of the DOD, this is what you get! Hegseth wants to erase history or rewrite history and if this sounds like Russian modus operandi, it is! Like Trump, Hegseth IS a Russian asset!
Pretty much the main reason white Southerners acted so quickly and violently to crush Reconstruction was that black Americans who'd been denied even a basic education were competing effectively in employment and politics within 5 years after emancipation.
Imagine having an Ex Fox Entertainment host in charge of the military. Unqualified and will do whatever he is told. Loyal because, unqualified. One day if we still have history books people will be talking about the dark days of 2025. The lights went out when Joe Biden left Washington. Lord help us!
For reals. If there is such a thing as a master race, it would be fairly easy to reveal its masterly-hood without denigrating other races. Indeed, it would require holding up all other races at their best and demonstrate superseding achievements.
I sure hope that there are backups for all that has been taken down from our history. After the felon is gone we can put all this back in our history documents. We would not be here if not for the black man. I am thankful for them! Go FuckYourself Trump Scum
I just started a new page to share protest photos that the mainstream media won't cover. Help me build this page, so we can see the strength in our numbers across the nation! My other account is @DawnieFish for verification.
SHARE YOUR STORIES, PHOTOS AND VIDEOS! https://bsky.app/profile/shareprotestpix.bsky.social/post/3lklloelpmk2h
As a retired RN I can assure you that men, including WHITE MEN are screaming cowards when it comes to their pain. If men had babies, none of you would be here.
This was at the heart of The Federalist Society’s mandate. Project 2025 IS the WHITE NATIONALIST MOVEMENT. Their goal is to rewrite History and make the USA as WHITE as they possibly can. Look up who founded it. WALMART owners, HOME DEPOT owners , many others.🤬White KKK! Laying in wait🤬🤬
Plus if we are the best why do we block tech by China. They are surpassing us by light years and people here just turn a blind eye and scream ‘Murica 😑
The race who wants to segregate by color but won't segregate by their own diseases. Viewing as being separated from that "master race" as an advantage if they would just stay away from the rest of us. Measles ridden, vaccine denying idiots need colonized like lepers.
Have these dumbasses not heard of the internet? You can’t erase history. Ever try to delete a FB account? And it’s about the power they think they have to erase minority accomplishments. The “Master race” is made up of a lot of very stupid people.
Try this one to end institutional racism in America and become Africans with different skin shades, one family one species.Here’s my HR bill to do it.Try finding a so called minority for not having white skin,to implement it Racism is a business to milk the poor for $1000 pimp suits,ties and gators.
It's Mitochondrial Eve, you may want to fix that before submitting it.
I tried to explain this to a Maga moron, recently. They "informed" me that white people come from the far north and not Africa.
The depth of their stupidity continues to surprise me.
Here’s a logic problem
When the word RACE,is removed from all documents to end institutional racism, what does Critical Race theory become? Critical Hate Theory!
What is your race? Becomes
What is your ethnicity?
Amazing what happens when humans become Africans with different skin shades,one species
Don’t get discouraged once you start talking to educated people you’ll find all agree.What’s surprising is black Africans don’t know exactly what to do.Sometimes it freezes them when a white African says,“Don’t worry about it. We’re all Nwords.” You get away with that with one family one species!
My advice when you run into people like that is not to debate them they don’t have the intellect to comprehend what you’re saying. This is a high-level argument that will be determined in court not by wild naked apes who hate everything, don’t waste your time.
I agree,I have the same problem,but ME is a scientific fact,supported by modern genetics biology & zoology. Their opinions are racist, ignorance who try to wiggle around the scientific fact that ME-DNA is in every human. That’s the strength of the argument in court what they believe is irrelevant.
The absolute evil madness of a "master race" is that it's always the most hideous version of humanity.
The evolved soul, worthy of leading and guiding others, embraces all equally and forges paths to equity, unity, inclusion, and peace. It is focused on the content of character, not skin color.
Unfortunately they have been doing it for so long they forgot we can actually look it up ourselves now🤦♀️ we also know they don’t like an educated populace for a reason 😒
Unfortunately, and ironically, these people are usually an unintentional advert for the eugenics that they clearly support - the majority of them wouldn't make the cut, so they need to be sure that they are setting the rules ...
Also, strange how these Republican men ARE the rapists, child molesters, domestic violence abusers, wife cheaters and drug users that are going after brown people for doing exactly what they do.
You made the claim that Republicans are
rapists, child molesters, domestic violence abusers, wife cheaters and drug users that are going after brown people for doing exactly what they do.
1. Alot of Republicans are in fact black, brown, women, straight and Christian.
2. Prove it!
They feared it in the south during slavery
They fear it now and want a slave class of people!
Mouth full of SCRIPTURE! Heart full of HATE!!
It's my hope that these people flocking to Bernie sanders&AOC rallies start looking further into socialism communism Labor&class struggle Actuality see they don't actually stand for anything just finance the continuation of bourgeoisie oligarchy do absolutely nothing for us
cancel culture
every accusation is a confession
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
And also 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️
Erasing the minorities completely. Memories are the first step (it's a twofer since this is a means of humiliation too), but you can be sure that it becomes physical soon.
Unless someone takes Krasnov and his comrades out of the equation.
Back up wikipedia and protect your local libraries, ya'll
(my father 🙂)
Fragile whites (it's a mindset, not a skin color) are so terrified of a future where they're not in control of everything, that they're burning the country to the ground out of spite.
These are their descendants and the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
No competition guarantees their success, in their minds.
Aint that right cube, kanye, lil wayne, 50, snoop etc the list so long
Por favor, hagan lo que nuestros senadores democráticos deberían haber hecho. ¡Llama y firma para una huelga general! Necesitamos 11M para que sea viable
Trump hired him!
It’s the last gasp of the Neanderthals before their extinction.
I tried to explain this to a Maga moron, recently. They "informed" me that white people come from the far north and not Africa.
The depth of their stupidity continues to surprise me.
When the word RACE,is removed from all documents to end institutional racism, what does Critical Race theory become? Critical Hate Theory!
What is your race? Becomes
What is your ethnicity?
Amazing what happens when humans become Africans with different skin shades,one species
I'm going to get all secular humanist on you.
We are all homo sapiens.
A 5 billion year old family.
The evolved soul, worthy of leading and guiding others, embraces all equally and forges paths to equity, unity, inclusion, and peace. It is focused on the content of character, not skin color.
rapists, child molesters, domestic violence abusers, wife cheaters and drug users that are going after brown people for doing exactly what they do.
1. Alot of Republicans are in fact black, brown, women, straight and Christian.
2. Prove it!
It’s a horrifying time.
Now that others CAN participate, they realize they aren’t the best.
So now all that’s left is lying and erasing.