- one? What is this cow obsession?"
He asks with a bit of breathiness, like he's trying to keep from laughing at the other man.
"I KNEW they were Shixiong's sisters. I could just tell."
He asks with a bit of breathiness, like he's trying to keep from laughing at the other man.
"I KNEW they were Shixiong's sisters. I could just tell."
So he really did think these cows were his sisters!
He pretends to take offense, huffing.
“So Liu-shidi thinks I bear resemblance to the cows?” He asks with a small pout, turning his head away.
“This shixiong's feelings are hurt. Can I not have an appreciation for nature and its gifts?”
Huffing out a laugh, he continues.
"How many cows can Shixiong lift, since he's so interested in this shidi's abilities?"
“Let this shixiong impress you.”
He's never lifted cows before. He's absolutely bullshitting right now.
But he looks to the cows, then to the cow Liu-shidi previously lifted, before he lifts it up to gauge its weight.
Not bad, not bad! ——
The cow moos.
As soon as Shen Qingqiu has the creature in his arms, Qingge raises a hand to his own mouth, passing it off like he's being thoughtful when really he's hiding an amused -
He can't help it, okay?! Shen Qingqiu just doesn't understand how silly he looks right now!
Dressed in his pretty silk robes, all flowing hair and grace, lifting a cow in his arms as it moos-
Qingge's shoulders raise slightly with withheld laughter.
God, how could he not like this man?