Instantly turning his glare onto Shen Qingqiu, Liu Qingge scoffs.
He's not truly angry. More so just annoyed and a bit stressed at being peeped on unknowingly. He swears, they only act up like this when other Peak Lords visit...
Liu Qingge can understand why Peak Lords don't visit him now.
If -
He's not truly angry. More so just annoyed and a bit stressed at being peeped on unknowingly. He swears, they only act up like this when other Peak Lords visit...
Liu Qingge can understand why Peak Lords don't visit him now.
If -
"If they have time to look in windows, they have time to be running laps."
They have really been taught well.
“My thithipuhs are thimiyar,” he sighs in exasperation, shaking his head. He can't really stop them from eavesdropping, as it ——
Oh, the plight of a Peak Lord. To be the apple of your disciples' eyes in the most annoying way possible, you'd think they're your actual kids.
"Mm.... Shixiong can swallow that medicine now. And drink the rest of your water."
“M-many thanks, Liu-shidi.” He grimaces, shaking his head. He's almost tempted to take the sweets and stuff them into his mouth to rid himself of the taste.
But he doesn't feel like seeming more like a child than he already is, so ——