Favorite part?
Instead of leading Shen Qingqiu forward towards the rest of the peak, Qingge actually motions the other to follow him behind his residence.To a narrow path that leads up the cliffs behind the building, formed mostly by rock and dirt.
The path is well-worn, disappearing into-
Instead of leading Shen Qingqiu forward towards the rest of the peak, Qingge actually motions the other to follow him behind his residence.To a narrow path that leads up the cliffs behind the building, formed mostly by rock and dirt.
The path is well-worn, disappearing into-
"It's a small hike up, but it's worth it."
With the confidence of a man who has hiked this route many times before, he starts up the path, checking back on Shen Qingqiu to make sure he's following.
So there is a path deeper into Bai Zhan Peak, another thing not mentioned in the original novel!
Interested, he follows Liu Qingge up the trail, slowly fanning himself as they go. The hike doesn't seem to bother him in the slightest.
Instead, he pays attention to his surroundings, ——
“I'm sure it will very well be worth it if you say so,” he replies.
Sheer cliff faces of rock and dirt lacking any vegetation besides a few stubborn, spindly weeds growing between the cracks of boulders. Sure, the area had its own type of beauty, but it was nothing compared to the bamboo and -
But as they moved higher up the mountain, that began to change.
Slowly, more vegetation began to appear, the path winding itself under natural archways of stone and dense clusters of trees. Untamed vines grabbed at their hair and clothes as the two passed like the -
Finally, they break into a small clearing surrounded nearly entirely by cliff faces, but one side...
One side of the clearing lies gapped open, a sheer drop if one isn't careful.
And also contains the most beautiful view of the mountains and valleys -