-greenery of Qing Jing Peak.
But as they moved higher up the mountain, that began to change.
Slowly, more vegetation began to appear, the path winding itself under natural archways of stone and dense clusters of trees. Untamed vines grabbed at their hair and clothes as the two passed like the -
But as they moved higher up the mountain, that began to change.
Slowly, more vegetation began to appear, the path winding itself under natural archways of stone and dense clusters of trees. Untamed vines grabbed at their hair and clothes as the two passed like the -
Finally, they break into a small clearing surrounded nearly entirely by cliff faces, but one side...
One side of the clearing lies gapped open, a sheer drop if one isn't careful.
And also contains the most beautiful view of the mountains and valleys -
Shen Qingqiu is met with the most beautiful view he has seen thus far.
He's attended festivals, seen the various flora and fauna the world had to offer... but nothing compared to this stunning view of Cang Qiong Mountains from this point of Bai Zhan Peak.
“Liu-shidi, I...”
Without thinking, he forgets himself. Forgets of elegance and of grace, as he grabs Liu Qingge's hand excitedly and smiles from ear to ear.
“Let's go look at it together, shidi!”
Liu Qingge thinks Shen Qingqiu has never looked more beautiful than right this moment.
They stand together at the edge of a cliff, hand-in-hand, and Shen Qingqiu smiles wide and excited and unabashed.
And Liu Qingge watches him with a soft smile and even softer eyes, reaching up to-