I work elections, so it is hard for me to believe anything was amiss in Michigan, but to a lesser degree, something similar happened here too. The Felon won (ick), yet so did Slotkin and Democrat endorsed judges.
Know a tree by its fruit. The scramble to control government data, to substitute "DOGE" for government itself, the rush to load up long term obligations to Musk industries--it all looks like a plan to steal an election, steal the data that would reveal it, and turn govt into an ATM for tech bros.
We know they cheated, they know they cheated, GOD and Satan knows they cheated. But they still take it that they won. They proved to one and all that they can cheat and nobody will do anything about it. They pat themselves on the back and continue to do it. No one will stop them at this point.
I had reservations about Harris, because of genocide in Gaza. I wrote her a letter and then voted for her. I also voted for every Democrat down-ticket. All it takes, to explain the gap between Harris and down-ticket, is enough people with the same reservations.
6 of jan so burned in the memories of BLUE side, that doing the same now is not an option, As many ventilated their thoughts of this 6 jan. and make it impossible for them to change that mind.
They hold on to the law (still), when in their faces it let them down. Convicted person becomes president?
Inauguration? HE decided to do it inside, well of course, else the world would have seen only a hand full of people celebrating and coming to see him.
The streets should have been full all over America with parties and celebrations. Where were they?
The internet all pro harris (worldwide).
There should even be many "Counter" demonstrations from red side , not? but there aren't any.And there should have been a MILITARY coup already if we hold on to the law and agreements in how to handle the law and constitution!
Millions of people should be on the streets daily protesting!
But protesting is not a option (anymore) for many,
We have seen countless demonstrations be torn down HARD by governmental people. It made our brain conclude that walking that road is dangerous, you can be ridiculed, arrested or even worst hurt! Your brain doesn't like that feeling.
I suspected this all along. It just wasn't making any sense. Just like the Senate race in my state. Feel unusual, just too unbalanced. Thank you for bringing this back to light.
"Bullet ballots" is a term for ballots from voters who only cared about one candidate. Another possible factor: Democrats who voted down-ticket but couldn't bring themselves to endorse genocide in Gaza. There's a basic political reality: some liberals really, really don't like genocide.
There was a very interesting article in Wired in the Nov/Dec issue where they showed how the election was stolen by malware downloaded into the voting machines themselves. And of course, Trump loves to brag about how they cheated too
Yep 💯 This election was rigged PERIOD…..there is no way that Trump won! The millions of people that didn’t vote and millions that despised Trump doesn’t add up to a win. Manipulation of the voting system is how👎But the truth will find you everytime, UNITED WE STAND 🙏
I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but I can’t believe that the orange turd won every swing state election. Komrade Musk is not to be trusted. Vote totals came in way too quick. Historically it takes weeks. This election was over in about two days. Definitely fishy!
Various documentary explaining how the 2000 election was stolen through software modifications. The guy who was hired to do it confessed. I believe there was even a trial.
Harris in October was the most popular candidate for president in the past 70 years. We had record turnout and registrations. 20 million votes are missing. Let it sink in.
On Friday, lawyers for Griffin laid out their case for retroactively disqualifying 65,000 ballots, disenfranchising tens of thousands of registered voters and overturning the election results
If the evidence is still there, why isn't anybody using it? I believe they've probably erased it all by now the same way they're removing all barriers to continue to be as corrupt as they want to be.
Of course she did. Before the election was over. McFelon kept saying we don’t need your votes we have enough… after they stole it… he said me and Musk have a secret.
Exactly- in AZ Kari Lake lost the senate seat by 4% statewide but tRump won the state by 6%….all of the “swing states” have similar numbers, and they all add up to cheating
They counted on us holding to the norms and not making a stink after everything trump had done… the see this is a peaceful transfer of power. They cheated and we have to prove it
Isn’t it strange Harris/Walz had huge exciting rallies and Trump couldn’t fill a high school gym and we still lost? All 7 swing states win by a margin that does not trigger a recount? Fewer votes while pollsters were saying there was record turnout? Hmmm. https://blogs.microsoft.com/on-the-issue...
Trump was not lying! Musk did rig the election.
I want an investigation into the election results. They beat the election and bragged about it on 4 different occasions.
I have always said that, no matter what you want to believe, the people DO NOT elect who is president. The electoral college does. The electoral college needs to be eliminated and let the popular vote decide on the president.
It was stolen, there are IT people who have basically proven that.
Personally, I think leaders didn’t speak out beforehand because the proof was still being compiled, and they didn’t speak out after because it would result in a civil war - literally. Some argue that’s where we’re heading anyway.
Elon said: "All you have to do is modify a single line of code". Along with that, all of the swing States used Starlink to transmit results. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure this out. WE SHOULD HAVE AUDITED THE SWING STATES. THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN NO HARM IN DOING IT. KAMALA WAS ROBBED!!!
p.s. I know they cheated…”me & elon have a secret”.
They hold on to the law (still), when in their faces it let them down. Convicted person becomes president?
The streets should have been full all over America with parties and celebrations. Where were they?
The internet all pro harris (worldwide).
Millions of people should be on the streets daily protesting!
We have seen countless demonstrations be torn down HARD by governmental people. It made our brain conclude that walking that road is dangerous, you can be ridiculed, arrested or even worst hurt! Your brain doesn't like that feeling.
We can also be hurt sitting home when they break in your door after doing nothing.
People sat down on their hands cause they couldn’t vote for a woman.. again.
A bit more showed up for the moron.. but 7 mm less decided to stay home and 30 mm plus didn’t bother.
The losing side will always be suspicious.
The message is clear.
Please read how they rigged the election
There's not a snowball's chance in hell that the orange sack of wet garbage won legitimately. ⬇️
I want an investigation into the election results. They beat the election and bragged about it on 4 different occasions.
The problem is not one Democratic politician questioned the results of the 2024 election.
Personally, I think leaders didn’t speak out beforehand because the proof was still being compiled, and they didn’t speak out after because it would result in a civil war - literally. Some argue that’s where we’re heading anyway.