He is absolutely right.I have been a nurse for over thirty years,and I have learnt,that humans are fragile,and life is short.Things can change for someone in an instant. I value each day,and those around me.Tomorrow is not yet mine
Your comment is profoundly beautiful and deeply insightful. Your experience as a nurse has clearly given you a perspective on life that many of us strive to understand. It's a powerful reminder of how precious and fragile life truly is. Thank you for sharing!
Being silly, kind and weird are conscious decisions for me. If someone doesn’t understand, I suspect they’ve never had to resort to their imagination to help tolerate difficult situations beyond their control. ~ Lifelong Catlady 😽
It’s true-choosing to be silly, kind, or weird often requires a conscious decision, especially when life throws challenges our way. Imagination becomes a powerful tool for resilience, a way to soften the harsh edges of reality.