“we hold that many of the recognizable pat-
terns of capitalist economics result from the fact that certain key markets –
importantly, the labor market, housing rental market, insurance and finan-
cial markets, and other key markets are rigged markets.
“we hold that many of the recognizable pat-
terns of capitalist economics result from the fact that certain key markets –
importantly, the labor market, housing rental market, insurance and finan-
cial markets, and other key markets are rigged markets.
that they are often indirectly-created captive markets, and that the extent
to which these needs are met through through conventionally commercial
relationships under the heading of the cash nexus –
through other, possibly radically different sorts of social relationships, like
co-ops, homesteading, sweat equity, informal exchange, loosely reciprocal
gift economies, grassroots mutual aid networks, and other mutualistic al-