Two widely believed illusions:
1. The “self” (“you” live inside of—yet separate from—your body/brain).
2. Free will (you create/control your thoughts, choices, and/or actions).
Her spouse, Sam, also discusses this, but I prefer her summary. #self #freewill #neuroscience
1. The “self” (“you” live inside of—yet separate from—your body/brain).
2. Free will (you create/control your thoughts, choices, and/or actions).
Her spouse, Sam, also discusses this, but I prefer her summary. #self #freewill #neuroscience
With that in mind, please correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the Libet experiment occur in the 80s and involve physical movement?
Ms. Harris (@ ~3:32) references an unnamed experiment from 2013 involving math operators.
But (& this is too complex for BlueSky char limits) what else can we deduce from 2013 experimenters knowing subjects’ choices up to 4 seconds before they were made.
How does this recent discovery factor in?
Not sure how to interpret your post. Do you mean diff lab showed < or > 4 s btwn neural decode & subject decision reporting?