is my go to resource for anti-bs medical information. Includes Steven Novella and David Gorski, mentioned by others here, as main contributors.
It's my belief that all conspiracy theories originate from about 1960s onwards and all have a common theme. The promulgation of stupidity so that the advance of the "West" is slowed, or reversed. Gun laws, flat earth, aliens, antivax, all from when Khrushchev said, we will destroy them from within
Not sure if it's history/psychology specific but I've appreciated what...
... has done for content, particularly in critiquing folks I see get referenced in the 'regen' spaces but also appropriate nuance where media has made mistakes:
Yes! This video, and season 8 of the Tortoise Investigates podcast (titled Dr. Anti-vax) are really excellent breakdowns of the general history and I highly recommend them to anyone as a starting point or to expand your knowledge.
Can I mention that I'm super angry that I have favorite experts on this? My adult kid has autism, and I've been following this damaging nonsense for around 20 years now.
You might consider watching documentaries about Kellogg etc. That approach to health and eugenics is directly related to how the current antivax...I hate to call it a movement...developed. It informs RFKs perspective explicitly.
I'm pretty sure it was him that led me to read this blog written by an anti vaccine woman who let her three kids get whooping cough. She let her nine month old baby cough until he was blue, every night, for months. It might well have given him brain damage.
I would start with the pioneering work by Henri Tajfel in the 1970s on social identity theory,
Lilliana Mason at JHU and Dan Kahan at Yale have both written some very good stuff on "tribal" identity and signaling. Good podcast episode with them here
There is a clear connection between the "vaccines cause autism"-study and profit.
Discredit the combined MMR vaccine to sell 3 individual ones yourself. This bug is still not fully fixed and cascades till this day
Dr. Andrew Wakefield. You want to see inconvenient truth anger the piss outa people, read his Wiki page. Jeeez, the subjective tone, desperate discrediting... Almost as if vaccines are Big Money
My favorite experts is this elderly couple I saw standing by the town fountain where nobody holds speeches, rambling into a microphone about how they read on the Internet there's questions about if vaccines cause autism.
Paul Offit is a good one. I would also recommend Steven Novella, who has been documenting and keeping track of the anti vaccine movement for almost 20 years now.
Money quote: ”The novel factor is rather how anti-vaccine ideas have become relatively normalized through much of the Republican party leadership and will likely shape policy to an unprecedented extent.”
... has done for content, particularly in critiquing folks I see get referenced in the 'regen' spaces but also appropriate nuance where media has made mistakes:
I'm pretty sure it was him that led me to read this blog written by an anti vaccine woman who let her three kids get whooping cough. She let her nine month old baby cough until he was blue, every night, for months. It might well have given him brain damage.
Lilliana Mason at JHU and Dan Kahan at Yale have both written some very good stuff on "tribal" identity and signaling. Good podcast episode with them here
Discredit the combined MMR vaccine to sell 3 individual ones yourself. This bug is still not fully fixed and cascades till this day
Turned out it was because they had very senior dad’s with young wives
This article is also good.
Money quote: ”The novel factor is rather how anti-vaccine ideas have become relatively normalized through much of the Republican party leadership and will likely shape policy to an unprecedented extent.”