New EC minis are indeed rad but didn't feel right for a reason I couldn't put my finger on. Then I upped the saturation on them and suddenly I'm absolutely sold. #warhammercommunity
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Now to decide if the contrast paint is offensively pink enough or if I should go for fluorescent. 😈
But I have gone the extra mile and highlighted it with white and done fluorescent pink over those highlights and lemme tell you it's even more glorious.
However, it will convince your camera the mini is a cryptid.
Fluor paints are best through an airbrush I think
When I get round to mine I’m thinking of doing Fluor yellow
The pink painted Rhino in a promo pinture looks lole a cake
Their magenta is good, use it a bit, I'm not asking to edge a Rhino (even tho it would fit Slaanesh), just some drybrush to add contrast