I feel good about the new year. I think it’s a combination of #BlueCrew raring to #Resist & MAGA eating their young. I’ve got chips and dip & I’m ready to watch!
And do exactly the same to dictator Trump, because of the fraud he committed in business. Trump should be forced to pay every single dime back that he owes, including every single fine.
There is no right to abortion & there's no right to get paid equal to what men do. Do you think a woman who is a nurse should get paid the same as a man who is a doctor? What about a woman VP & man CEO? Now, if they have the same job, then there should be equality, but where is that right?
Potentially a very prophetic meme. If anyone out there has studied parallel realities, Quantum Dimensional Shifts, creating your reality on purpose, vibrational alignment and etc... now is the time to divert your attention away from this timeline and deliberately focus (totally) on your preferences.
All timelines and parallel realities exist. You see and experience what you're the vibration of. I'm leaving this one. Shifting myself to 4th Density Earth. Which thresholds at 200K Hz. A whole new world awaits for me.
The economic collapse is a couple of years away.
Funny though.
Happy New to all, wherever you are!
#AuditElmo #DefundElmo #DeportElmo #JailCheetolini
Don't let him leave with our $$.
#AuditElmo #DefundElmo #DeportElmo #JailCheetolini
And yet so true