Do Welsh people think that enough has been done to promote learning and use of the Welsh language?
Not gone far enough: 32%
About right: 36%
Gone too far: 21%
Not gone far enough: 32%
About right: 36%
Gone too far: 21%
This IS relevant as about 30% of people in Wales were born in England...
it is certainly relevant to how we choose to deal with our language...
Should Moldova stop speaking Moldovan if the 'Trans Dnistrians' demand the right to ignore it & make everyone speak Russian (Because 'they CAN all speak Russian')?
The only point here is that the public at large overwhelmingly support the language.
Approve: 67%
Disapprove: 20%
% saying should always be in English and Welsh
Public transport announcements: 76%
Council publications: 76%
Road signs: 75%
Signs in shops: 73%
Important: 72%
Not important: 25%
Welsh: 45%
A foreign language: 35%