I and many others have been sharing this image for the better part of a decade only to be told we were hysterical. Fascism is here, fascism is what people chose. As they say, those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
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We have to stop letting money and religion influence our politics and government. That seems to be the roots of it EVERY SINGLE TIME. I'm sure it's not the only changes needed; but they are one of the roots of the foul plant now bearing rotten fruit.
Many of us HAVE been. I've been down here in the south losing family and friends arguing over the white supremacy flag since I was *twelve*. I'm 41 now. I'm tired, and I don't see any way now the political, logical, or humane arguments work.
Not everyone was on the sideline, and thinking so is just another way they divide us. Much like corporations try to put the guilt of climate change on people with zero put on the much larger problem of their factories...acting like all of us just sat here and did nothing is a false narrative.
I'm grateful for people like you but we need more now. Re: people blaming each other I think you're spot on; it is to divide us & take ownership of a tragedy we didn't cause while those guilty continue on in the same manner. However, we can't afford to passively trust leaders anymore.
To that extent, we could have them lay some foundations for what comes next. Maybe some foundations for an underground railroad, grim as that sounds. We already need one for pregnant people and trans in general. Obv black people have always been on their hit list, and me (gay) will need one.
They have the voting so skewed it would take a miracle to fix it. Listen to Greg Palast on Thom Hartmann. A day or two ago…He’s got the entire breakdown of votes THROWN OUT…Simply discarded. I cannot understand what democratic leaders were thinking. That being nice would make this all go away??? 😩
Too many people saw rule of law as a force of nature, like gravity. As if law itself could reach out and fix itself. They forgot law only has as much integrity as the people controlling it. They clutched pearls until it all fell apart. The Era of Clutched Pearls is really a good name for this.
For the situation now? Unlikely isn't the word. It's definitely not gonna help. I'm just more identifying what we need to get rid of if we make it to an after where we cast MAGA off. For the situation currently, there's just not many words. It's just...waiting until the Bastille moment.
I agree with you but I do feel confident that a real resistance will rise up I just think it's going to have to come from the street, aka the peasants, rather than from our current leaders, aka the aristocracy. Our leaders have shown they are too willing to go along for their own sakes.
Oh not me; I'm talking about for after the dust has settled. I'm beyond accepted that this will end in either revolution or complete and total subjugation. I'm just identifying what we need to remove IF we somehow come out the other side of this.
For now? There's nothing we can do. When this is over and the deconstruction phase begins? REMEMBER. Remember what led to this, and what causes harm to our governing and civility. Remember what separated us when we needed to be together.
Deconstruction & reconstruction phase* to word that better. They go hand in hand. We've had them before... we'll have them again if we stick together now.
Might sound odd coming from one, but maybe *men* in general should just sit out the next round of power dealing in general. We've REALLY had our fair turn and we just keep remaking the same tired old show. Let other demographics make theirs and see what they can do with it. Cabin in the Woods it.
We have one weapon that I'm not seeing mentioned often: our side, the blue, have fairly high unity in our cause. I mean, we recognize how much is at stake. Their side has fractures and is prone to infighting. We MUST figure out a way to use that weakness; turn them inward on each other.
They aren't the only ones who can utilize misinformation, after all. Feeding them some might not be the worst idea. There's got to be people on our side or at least wavelength embedded amongst them. If not...they aren't the best at vetting, even given every resource to be.